International Projects
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PENSE LIBRE : Promotion de l'Égalité, de la Non-discrimination, de la Solidarité, et du Renforcement de la Cohésion Sociale, en faveur d'une société civile Libre de penser, de croire et de pratiquer sa religion au Sahel
Le projet s’aligne à l’objectif global de l’Appel de Contribuer à la pleine jouissance, par tous, de l’ensemble des droits humains en créant un réseau de coopération entre les acteurs fondamentaux pour la jouissance de la liberté de culte, et aussi à… Read more ses objectifs spécifiques, en particulier du Lot 6 de promouvoir et protéger le droit à la liberté de pensée, de conscience, de religion ou de conviction. Les priorités de l’Appel sont prises en considération à travers les activités dédiées à la prévention et lutte des pratiques discriminatoires, l’intolérance et la violence fondée sur la religion ou les convictions, sous toutes ses formes. Les actions du projet s’articulent autour de son objectif général de Contribuer à promouvoir et protéger le droit à la liberté de pensée, de conscience, de religion ou de conviction et au renforcement de la cohésion sociale en renforçant les capacités de la société civile au Sahel (OG), au Burkina Faso, Tchad et Sénégal. Sur la base des expériences antérieures du consortium et des connaissances acquises par les partenaires de recherche, nous avons identifié un lien fort entre la liberté de pensée, en particulier dans le domaine de la spiritualité religieuse, et la cohésion sociale entre des groupes d’origines différentes. Le Sahel a une histoire de rencontres, d’échanges et de coexistence entre différents groupes ethniques et religieux, mais aussi de problèmes sociaux profondément enracinés. Il s’agit de l’une des régions avec les plus bas indices de développement humain au monde (Tchad-TD 189ème, Burkina Faso-BF 185 ème, Sénégal-SN 169ème sur 193 pays, IDH 2022) et l’une des zones les plus touchées par le changement climatique et traversée par une forte crise politique et institutionnelle. Ces situations ont un impact sur la liberté de culte avec les différentes insurrections djihadistes au Sahel au cours de la dernière décennie et une augmentation des tensions religieuses et identitaires. En 2024, le Burkina Faso est dirigé par une junte militaire, le pays est marqué par une détérioration des droits humains exacerbée par les deux coups d'État des dernières années. Les groupes armés islamistes, tels que ceux alliés à Al-Qaïda et à l'État islamique, ont intensifié leurs attaques contre les civils, tuant des centaines de personnes et provoquant le déplacement de près de deux millions de personnes . Les forces de sécurité de l'État ont également commis des exactions, aggravant la situation des droits humains et affaiblissant l'État de droit (Human Rights Watch, 2023). Plusieurs personnalités publiques ont été victimes de disparition forcée, des journalistes étrangers ont été expulsés et des médias ont vu leurs activités suspendues par les autorités (Amnesty International, 2023). Le Tchad est en train de retourner à l’ordre constitutionnel à travers une transition très tendue. En 2022 et 2023, le pays a été marqué par des restrictions à la liberté de réunion et d'expression, ainsi que par des actes de violence perpétrés par les forces de sécurité. Des rapports indiquent des cas de harcèlement et d'intimidation de groupes religieux minoritaires, et des restrictions sur la construction de lieux de culte (HRW, 2023). Le Sénégal sort d’une grave crise institutionnelle qui a été résolue après diverses tensions entre la présidence et la Cour constitutionnelle. La répression des droits à la liberté d’expression, d’association et de réunion pacifique s’est poursuivie à l’approche de l’élection présidentielle. Des défenseures des droits humains, des militantes et des journalistes ont été arrêtés. Les forces de défense et de sécurité ont utilisé une force excessive lors de manifestations, et des personnes ont en conséquence été blessées ou tuées (56 personnes tuées entre mars 2021 et juin 2023, et un millier d’autres au moins ont été blessées) (Amnesty International, 2023). Des cas de discrimination contre les minorités religieuses ont été rapportés ainsi que certaines restrictions légales limitent la liberté d'expression religieuse (HRW 2023). En effet l’instabilité politique et économique impacte les conditions de vie des populations et génère un ressentiment qui conduit à des discriminations à l’égard des pratiques religieuses, culturelles et sexuelles différentes de celles majoritaires. En novembre 2023, le United States Commission On International Religious Freedom a dénoncé une détérioration rapide de la liberté de religion, en le liant à la fragilité des États sahéliens. Il faut aussi considérer que dans les pays du Sahel la population compte aujourd'hui près de 65% de jeunes de moins de 30 ans, qui constituent l’un des groupes les plus touchés par les conséquences des conflits.
ESDEUS - European Universities as Community Leaders of the Education for Sustainable Development
Under EUGreenComp(2022), all educational settings provided by the university develop awareness and civic competences to take action to transform society into a more sustainable one. ESDEUS aims to build university capacity as a leader in Education for Sustainable Development. It… Read more focuses on ESD-relevant teaching and collaboration with stakeholders. The consortium comprises four universities from Poland, Sweden, Portugal, and Italy. The Polish local stakeholder is invited as an associated partner. The main activities are mapping and collecting HE ESD policies, strategies, and instruments and designing-implementing a course called “Introduction to ESD,” identifying stakeholders’ ESD perspectives and collective actions in the ESD field, and finally, comparing ESD practices in different EU regions. The consortium implements these activities by organizing Intersectoral Teaching Learning events and using various methods based on problem-solving, peer learning, and exchange of good practices. Joint efforts of HE and communities in ESD contribute to bridging intercultural and social gaps by promoting greater collaboration and civic engagement and addressing systemic inequalities. The results are HE ESD Catalogue, Toolbox, Booklet, ITLEvents, Course Curriculum, Reports. ESDEUS directly impacts on building links of HE with all stakeholders. Long-term benefits relate to the sustainable society's value and UniLLL promotion. ESDEUS follows green and digital principles in all activities.
TInGLE-Academia - Through an Intersectional and Gendered Lens to Equality in Academia
TInGLE aims to create strategic partnerships between HEIs and CSOs to sustain academic programs and policies toward intersectional gender equality, contributing to SDG 5 of the 2030 Agenda. TInGLE aims to develop new practices, innovative learning, and teaching instruments to… Read more integrate a gender-sensitive and intersectional perspective into the curricula of HEIs through international cooperation; raising awareness of structural inequalities in academia to lay the foundation for transformation. TInGLE implements detailed analyses of the educational needs of students, professors and administrative staff, in three European partner HEIs focused on gender and intersectionality. It then establishes a network with CSOs that work and advocate for equality and equity daily. Meetings, discussions, focus groups and Design Thinking workshops are devised to create an innovative toolkit that enriches the educational offerings of HEIs with a gender and intersectional perspective. TInGLE develops a comprehensive picture of the existing gender gap and gender-blindness among the teaching curricula of the three HEIs involved. It builds cooperation with relevant CSOs, crucial sources of knowledge, and innovative practices outside the HEIs. TInGLE uses the first two outcomes to develop a participative toolkit that enriches and engender the educational offer in the three universities involved, bringing a positive impact to both the academic and wider community.
MEDiverSEAty - MEDiverSEAty. In quest of the human dimensions of MEDiterranean Marine Biodiversity
Sustainable management of Mediterranean Marine Biodiversity is a key-priority of EU programs and actions, with the aim of integrating marine diversity protection and human development. Two main gaps need to be filled to achieve this goal: the overall lack of understanding of… Read more European citizens’ conceptions and misconception on the sea; the lack or oversimplification, both in political and scientific debate, of “diversity” as a key driver acting on the relationship among European citizens and marine biodiversity. MEDiverSEAty is a transnational project based on several local case studies with the aim of filling these gaps, through the implementation of a Doctoral Network Training and Research Program in 6 European countries (IT, ES, FR, EL, ME, MT), a novelty in the educational and scientific panorama of marine science and biodiversity management. MEDiverSEAty develops an international, interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral Training Program for 10 PhD Candidates who, in a medium term perspective, will form a community of early career researchers trained in the study of marine biodiversity, via joint research projects in both academic and non-academic settings, with local and network training, open science and complementary skills. The project is based on two keypillars of contemporary marine sciences, policies and education, with an interdisciplinary approach that tackles the barriers that continue to exist among the biological sciences, the humanities and social sciences, and the study of environmental governance: Ocean Literacy and Marine Biodiversity Conservation. The scientific research objectives of MEDiverSEAty are to develop a common theoretical framework of Mediterranean Marine Biodiversity Conservation which integrates human and biological dimensions and implications, to foster the crucial role of human dimensions in the protection and conservation of Marine Biodiversity and to make Biodiversity the focus of Mediterranean Ocean Literacy
SEKEHE - Structural embedding of knowledge by experience in higher education through processes of co-creation
Growing complexity of societal challenges and issues (e.g. evolution to more community-based support) requires new competencies and knowledge from the field of social studies (Gardner, 2006; D´Cruz, Gillingham, Melendez, 2007). In this evolution a strong focus lies on the strengths and capabilities… Read more of people themselves. Expertise of people in vulnerable situations (those with fewer opportunities caused by disabilities, socio-economic difficulties and all sorts of discrimination) is seen as third form of knowledge (further knowledge by experience) (Humphreys a kol., 2003; Pawson a kol., 2003; Driessens, Saurama, Fargion, 2011), in addition to academic and professional knowledge in the broad social domain. These evolutions are strongly connected to the development of democracy, citizenship, human rights and social justice, which are also central to higher education (Laker, Naval & Mrnjaus, 2014). Knowledge by experience in the field of social studies has for a long time been undervalued and underestimated (Wilson, Beresford, 2000) and people in vulnerable situations are as well excluded from the process of its co-creation (Fisher, Freshwater, 2014). Although in a recently finished practice-based research project in the social domain we saw that the presence of experts by experience (people in vulnerable situations employed as peer workers, therefore using their experience to help others) in professional teams resulted in an openness to discuss vulnerabilities, barriers, personal experiences of other team members (Van Steenberghe et al., 2020). Applied to higher education context, working together with experts by experience may result in a more reflexive stance of teaching staff around their own lived experience and how it affects their role as an educator, and its integration in their teaching. Still, only the first steps have been taken to embed knowledge by experience in higher education (e.g. Černá et al. 2019; Geregová, Szotáková, 2019). However, there is a momentum to involve considerably more knowledge by experience in (European) social and medical professional field (e.g. Beales and Wilson, 2015; Stefancic et al., 2019; Lennox et al., 2021). It is crucial that higher education reflects these developments and that we seize this momentum. It is therefore desirable to improve access of people in vulnerable situations to higher education, as well as support current students of Social Studies in vulnerable situations in voicing out their own life experiences and incorporating them in their professional life. At the moment there is a mismatch between skills and knowledge students are receiving within Social Studies in higher education and skills and knowledge that are required by current labour market and institutions.
EDUS4EL- Education Strategies for Environmental Literacy
InDo - Understanding by Design and Differentiated Instruction
The world is changing fast and it is vital that education keeps pace. Yet, at a time when innovation is most needed, the world of education is lagging: only 38% of recent entrants to the education sector believe their school/college… Read more is adept at adopting innovations, new knowledge or methods (Innovating Education and Educating for Innovation, OECD, 2016). InDo will support educators to rise to the challenge, helping them transform their teaching methods and bring learning to life through innovative and inclusive learning spaces. According to the Digital Education Action Plan (2021 – 2027), fostering the development of a high-performing digital education ecosystem and enhancing digital skills and competences for the digital transformation are the strategic priorities of European Commission. Based on the above, the InDo project outlines this vision for high-quality, inclusive and accessible digital education in Europe by upskilling the digital skills of educators in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) through high-quality learning content and user-friendly tools so as to have confident and digitally competent teachers to maximize students’ capacity in the 21st classrooms. InDo project underlines the need of fostering digital capabilities among academic staff of HEIs and academia representatives, so as to improve their teaching, through a blended Understanding by Design (UbD) and Differentiated Instruction (DI) teaching by obtaining essentials skills, attitudes and techniques, based on the development of a curriculum and instructional teaching model in the 21st century classrooms.
Media Dance Plus
TFC - The Film Corner for all. Digital innovative environments for film and media literacy
"The Film Corner for all. Digital innovative environments for film and media literacy” is built around the design, development and test of an innovative set of interactive resources, an online interactive user-centered platform for film education and audience engagement. The… Read more platform is based on a selection of EU arthouse films and audiovisual, both feature and heritage short and long. The platform will be strongly connected to the SVOD platform, edited by Fondazione Cineteca Italiana in the occasion of the European Year of Cultural Heritage, in which heritage and feature long and short films from different ages, places and genres are regularly available. Covid-19 has strongly transformed the audience's relationship with film. In 2022-2025 The Film Corner wishes to contribute to the recovery of the sector and takes a step forward: after 4 years of start-up, experimentation and testing The Film Corner aims at putting in place an education-based innovative business model aimed at enhancing circulation and fostering engagement towards EU arthouse feature and heritage films in which film education would became a strategic asset in order to to rebuild the relationship of EU audiences with cinema and grow a curious and skilled audience for the future. The Film Corner platform will be addressed to around 11100>1400 users of a wider audience, going beyond the school target and widening the age range to 11-26 years from schools, universities and generic audience. A set of offline/onsite screenings of a catalogue of EU short and long arthouse films and audiovisual, both feature and heritage. The impact of the project will be measured not only through educational/cultural indicators but also through economic indicators: the interactive platform will be more strongly connected with the SVOD platform encouraging “transfer of audiences” from The Film Corner to the SVOD platform to promote a model for enhancing income through education.
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