Research Commission
Role and activities
The research committee aims to promote and support all initiatives that enhance the quality and scope of the department's research activities. To this end, the research committee works as a liaison between the current and future research initiatives developed by department members and the university's administrative bodies dedicated to research support.
- Chair: Prof. Edoardo Datteri (Ethics Committee, basic research communication)
- Vice-Chair : Dott. Alessandro Pepe
- Member: Dott. Stefano Pippa (area representative)
- Member: Prof.ssa Jole Orsenigo (area representative)
- Members: Dott.sse Federica Pallavicini, Valentina Pagani (funded research, with support from Prof. Fabrizia Mantovani)
- Member: Dott.ssa Greta Persico (basic research communication – Third Mission liaison)
- Member: Dott. Paolo Monti (Open Science)
- Members: Prof.sse Alice Bellagamba, Chiara Bove, Franca Zuccoli (research and doctoral activities coordination)