Department Committees

Chairperson: Prof.ssa Emanuela Mancino


  • Chair of the Committee: Dr. Francesca Oggionni (monitoring actions planned within the Departmental Triennial Plan and Ministerial projects)
  • Department Delegates on the University Committee: Dr. Nicoletta Ferri and Dr. Valentina Pagani

Degree Program Representatives for Orientation Actions:

  • Educational Sciences: Dr. Lisa Brambilla, Dr. Nicoletta Ferri
  • Intercultural Communication: Dr.Giovanna Santanera, Prof. Barbara Quacquarelli
  • Advanced Educational Sciences: Prof. Francesco Cappa, Dr. Matteo Schianchi
  • Human Resource Development: Prof. Andrea Galimberti
  • Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences: Dr. Luigi Urru, Prof. Mauro Van Aken
  • Primary Teacher Education: Dr. Valentina Pagani
  • Artistic Languages for Education: Prof. Eleonora Farina

Chairperson: Prof. Edoardo Datteri

Chairperson: Prof.ssa Claudia Bonsi


  • Chair: Prof. Stefano Malatesta (Department Delegate on the University Internationalization Committee)
  • Member: Dott. Franco Passalacqua (Erasmus Coordinator)
  • Member: Dr. Davide Cino (Internationalization Days Coordinator)
  • Members: Dott. Paolo Grassi (Visiting Scholars Coordinators for Disuf Department of Excellence), Prof. Giorgio Bertolotti (Visiting Scholars Coordinators for Disuf)
  • Member: Dr. Ali Faraj (International Cooperation Agreements)
  • Members: Dr. Andrea Galimberti, Dr. Chiara Montà, Dr. Stefano Pippa (Erasmus Microcredentials)
  • Member: Prof. Laura Formenti (Disciplinary Area Representative)
  • Member: Prof. Alessandra Brivio (Disciplinary Area Representative)
  • Member: Prof. Claudia Baracchi (Disciplinary Area Representative)
  • Member: Prof. Silvia Pozzi (Disciplinary Area Representative)

Chairperson: Dott. Franco Passalacqua

Role and Activities
The Quality Assurance (QA) system is designed to monitor the conditions under which the Department carries out its Research, Teaching, and Third Mission activities. It also sets the objectives to be pursued and verifies their achievement.

The QA Committee is responsible for compiling the Monitoring Report for the Department’s Three-Year Plan and the Annual Single Report on Departmental Research (SUA-RD report, known as "Fatti e Persone"]. This document gathers key information for evaluating research and third mission activities. The SUA-RD – Fatti e Persone serves as one of the Department’s primary self-assessment tools and provides indicators for the annual evaluation conducted by ANVUR (Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research), which also uses these data to allocate part of the performance-based funding from the Ordinary Financing Fund.

Departmental QA Committee Coordinator: Prof. Manuela Tassan
QA for Teaching: Prof. Gabriella Seveso
QA for Research: Prof. Manuela Tassan
QA for the Third Mission: Prof. Anna Granata
QA for the PhD Programme in Cultural and Social Anthropology: Prof. Luca Rimoldi
QA for the PhD Programme in Education in Contemporary Society: Prof. Veronica Ornaghi
QA for the PhD Programme in Intangible Heritage in Socio-Cultural Innovation: Prof. Francesca Caputo


  • Department Representative for the Research Branch of the PQA: Prof.ssa Ilaria Grazzani  
  • Department Representative for the Teaching Branch of the PQA: Prof.ssa Gabriella Seveso