CAPTED Departmental Research Center
Center for Educational Changes and Potentials in the Digital Transition
The CAPTED Center was established as part of the Excellence Project “Educational and Sociocultural Changes and Potentials Connected to the Digital Transition” with the aim of deepening the impact that digital transition has on people, from an educational and socio-cultural perspective, especially by exploring three major phenomena: individual and collective identities, inequalities, and social ties.
The ambition is to bring together scholars from different generations, from Italy and abroad, to contribute to forming a critical, responsible, and supportive scientific community.
Objectives of the Center:
- Develop research on educational and socio-cultural changes and potentials connected to the digital transition (hereinafter “DT”) through three main intervention areas: 1) DT and the contrast of educational and socio-cultural inequalities; 2) DT and the formation of individual and collective identities; 3) DT and the strengthening of social ties;
- Create synergy among the departmental research laboratories involved in the Center's activities;
- Combine basic and applied research by conducting pilot studies in collaboration with public and private sector entities, schools, and educational services;
- Foster scientific and cultural exchange among young researchers, PhD students, research fellows, and students on the Center's research topics;
- Promote scientific collaboration among scholars from different disciplines to identify new national and international research lines;
- Attract highly qualified scholars from abroad;
- Promote the publication and dissemination of studies and research results produced by the Center;
- Organize high-level training and educational activities on the topic.
The objectives outlined above will be achieved through the following activities:
- Actions of the Permanent Seminar on educational and socio-cultural changes and potentials connected to the digital transition;
- Actions of the Cultural and Technological Hub that unites departmental research laboratories interested in the Center's activities and will facilitate:
- Interaction among departmental researchers already engaged in the topic;
- The development of pilot studies on the three project lines;
- Exchange between research and teaching by encouraging the participation of master's and doctoral students (research theses, internships, training);
- Actions of the Territorial Operational Centers (educational and training agencies, schools, third sector entities) selected for their relevance to the project themes.
Scientific Director:
Affiliated Members:
Lorenzo Alunni
Francesca Antonacci
Claudia Baracchi
Mario Luigi Barenghi
Ivan Leopoldo Bargna
Pierangelo Barone
Alice Bellagamba
Giorgio Bertolotti
Elisabetta Biffi
Angela Borghesi
Chiara Maria Bove
Piera Braga
Alessandra Brivio
Francesco Cappa
Micaela Castiglioni
Anna Chinazzi
Davide Cino
Federica Da Milano
Edoardo Datteri
Francesco Della Costa
Massimo Della Misericordia
Giovanna Di Rosario
Eleonora Farina
Alessandro Ferrante
Nicoletta Ferri
Paolo Maria Ferri
Laura Formenti
Andrea Galimberti
Maria Benedetta Gambacorti-Passerini
Anna Granata
Paolo Grassi
Ilaria Grazzani
Monica Guerra
Roberto Malighetti
Andrea Mangiatordi
Erica Joy Mannucci
Fabrizia Mantovani
Claudia Mattalucci
Leonardo Menegola
Paolo Monti
Tazio Morandini
Alessandra Mussi
Erica Neri
Valentina Pagani
Federica Pallavicini
Giulia Pastori
Alessandro Pepe
Silvia Pitzalis
Annamaria Poli
Luca Rimoldi
Giovanna Santanera
Giulia Schiavone
Gabriella Seveso
Maddalena Sottocorno
Enrico Squarcina
Manuela Tassan
Mauro Van Aken
Mario Vergani
Guido Veronese
Silvia Vignato
Francesca Linda Zaninelli
Luisa Zecca
Franca Zuccoli
The subgroup CAPTED-NEXT brings together postdoctoral researchers and PhD students working on topics central to the CAPTED Center's mission. Through collaborative efforts and intergenerational dialogue, the group reflects the Center's dedication to fostering a scientific community based on peer education and interdisciplinarity, empowering early career scholars to actively contribute to the scientific discourse on the educational and sociocultural implications of the digital transition.
CAPTED-NEXT serves as a dynamic forum where emerging scholars share their expertise and insights on an international level, contributing to the center's broader research agenda. The group’s members not only pursue individual research projects but also actively engage in collective initiatives. For example, some PhD students, members of CAPTED-NEXT, have co-designed the afternoon session of the third event of the Permanent Seminar in collaboration with the three PhD programs of the Department. Building on this success, CAPTED-NEXT is currently exploring new initiatives that further integrate their work with the center's overarching goals.
This subgroup reflects the Department’s commitment in supporting early career researchers’ development through the Excellence Project. Through CAPTED-NEXT, doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers and doctoral students of the three PhD programmes of the Department (Cultural and Social Anthropology, Education in Contemporary Society, and Intangible Heritage in Socio-Cultural Innovation) are seamlessly integrated into the life of the department, playing an active role in shaping its research directions.
Valentina Pagani, Researcher in General and Social Pedagogy
Alessandra Mussi, Postdoctoral fellow in General and Social Pedagogy
Anna Chinazzi, PhD in Pedagogy in General and Social Pedagogy and collaborator
Other members:
Federico Capresi, PhD student in Intangible Heritage in Socio-Cultural Innovation (40th cycle)
Daniele Ciocca, PhD student in Cultural and Social Anthropology (39th cycle)
Pier Daniel Cornacchia, PhD student in Education in Contemporary Society (40th cycle)
Giulia Demara, PhD student in Intangible Heritage in Socio-Cultural Innovation (40th cycle)
Monica Facciocchi, PhD student in Education in Contemporary Society (39th cycle)
Annalisa Molgora, PhD student in Cultural and Social Anthropology (49th cycle)
Erica Neri, Postdoctoral fellow in Geography
Chiara Picinotti, PhD student in Cultural and Social Anthropology (40th cycle)
Arturo Pozzi, PhD student in Cultural and Social Anthropology (40th cycle)
Tazio Morandini, Postdoctoral fellow in Modern History
Marco Sassaro, PhD student in Cultural and Social Anthropology (39th cycle)
Giulia Sironi, PhD student in Education in Contemporary Society (40th cycle)
Maddalena Sottocorno, Postdoctoral fellow in General and Social Pedagogy
Lucinda Ugarte, PhD student in Education in Contemporary Society (39th cycle)
Mehmet Uzunkaya, PhD student in Intangible Heritage in Socio-Cultural Innovation (40th cycle)
Meetings promoted as part of the Permanent Seminar
The Permanent Seminar promoted by CAPTED explores the "Educational and Sociocultural Changes and Potentials in the Digital Transition" through events aimed at academics, students, and the broader community.
These events seek to foster both internal discussion within the Department and stimulate international scientific dialogue on the topic, while also engaging students and local stakeholders.
9 april, 9.00 - 18.00
Aula Martini - Edificio Agorà U6, piazza dell’Ateneo Nuovo 1, Milano
Inauguration day of the Permanent Seminary
27 june, 14.30 - 17.30
Aula Seminari (stanza 4288) - Edificio Agorà U6 (4° piano), piazza dell’Ateneo Nuovo 1, Milano
A conversation with Ashraf Kagee and Fayez Mahamid on advancements of open science in Palestine and African countries
Tuesday November 19, 09.30 - 16.00 CET
Aula Massa – Edificio Agorà U6, Piazza dell’Ateneo Nuovo 1, Milano
Also online (link)
A meeting promoted as part of the Permanent Seminar "Educational and Sociocultural Transformations and Potentials linked to Digital Transition"
Feb 4 2025 | 5:00 - 7:00 PM
Franco Angeli Academy - Viale dell'Innovazione 11, Milano
Presentation of the Book "Trap! Suoni, segni e soggettività nella scena italiana" [Trap! Sounds, signs, and subjectivities in the Italian scene] (Novalogos, 2024), edited by Sebastiano Benasso and Luca Benvenga.
Speakers: Sebastiano Benasso (UNIGE) and Luca Benvenga (UNI PEGASO)
Chairs: Paolo Grassi (UNIMIB) and Maria Elena Ponno (IUAV)
Discussants: Emanuele Belotti (POLIMI), Davide Fant (UNIMIB), Luisa Zecca (UNIMIB)
An event organized as part of the Permanent Seminar "Educational and Socio-Cultural Changes and Opportunities in the Digital Transition" by the CAPTED Research Center
March 11, 2025 | 11:30 AM - 2:30 PM
Room 12, U16 Building - Via Raffaello Giolli 5, Milan
Also online (LINK)
Keynote: Prof. Braxton Soderman, University of California Irvine
Discussant: Prof. Andrea Galimberti and Prof. Paolo Monti, University of Milano-Bicocca
Chair: Prof. Francesca Antonacci, University of Milano-Bicocca
An event organized as part of the Permanent Seminar "Educational and Socio-Cultural Changes and Opportunities in the Digital Transition" by the CAPTED Research Center