Mapping Social Emotional Learning and School Climate in Italian Lower Secondary Schools
Progetto PRIN PNRR (MUR - Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza || P20022757M7): Mapping Social Emotional Learning and School Climate in Italian Lower Secondary Schools: Advancing Understanding and Participation to inform Intervention
The present research proposal aims at empowering schools in a process of self-improvement, with specific attention to two features of the learning environment which are currently leading themes in the international research in educational psychology: social and emotional learning (SEL) and school climate In particular, the project has the following objectives: a) mapping out the reality of Italian lower secondary schools with a quantitative and qualitative data collection in students and teachers throughout the national territory; b) engage schools in a participatory dialogue to promote self-awareness and change processes, by organizing activities inspired by the Teacher Participatory Action Research approach, in which we will divulge results of the data collection among teachers and we will activate reflective practices and participatory activities for improvement; c) disseminate the products of the data collection and participatory activities to school professionals (teachers, school principals and school psychologists) over the whole national territory through an online platform and online training events.
November 2023 – November 2025
263.780 euros
Principal investigator of the network: Dr. Andrea Baroncelli (University of Perugia)
Other partners: Enrica Ciucci (P.I., University of Firenze), Valentina Grazia (P.I., University of Parma), Santa Parrello (P.I., University of Napoli)
Principal investigator for the University of Milano - Bicocca: Prof. Ilaria Grazzani (
Members of the research team: Prof. Guido Veronese, dr. Alessandro Pepe