Edizione 2023 - Giornate dell'internazionalizzazione
Doing Research in post-media age: from theories to practice in lifelong learning
Giornate dipartimentali per l’internazionalizzazione
22 febbraio 2023 ore 09,00-12,00
Seminario: Ricerca e Post-Mediale
- Fayez Mahamid, Associate Professor in the Human Sciences Department, An-Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine.
- Josep Maria Duart Montoliu, Professor in the Psychology and Education Sciences Department Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.
22 febbraio 2023 ore 15,00-16,00
Seminario formativo a cura del Grant Office: Gestione e rendicontazione dei progetti europei
- Federica Fumagalli
- Elisa Genua
23 febbraio ore 10,00
Premiazione del concorso "Giornate dell'Internazionalizzazione"
Segue un rinfresco offerto dal Dipartimento
Location: Aula Seminari (U6-IV piano)
Digital challenges, research and professional practices in the Palestinian context
Prof. Fayez Mahamid An-Najah National University, Nablus, oPt, Palestine
In the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT), Palestinian higher education, research and development (R&D) have a relatively recent history and face extraordinary challenges not faced by other country. Coming on top of Israel’s ongoing limitations on Palestinian land-lines, cellular, and Internet infrastructures, the result is a “digital occupation” of the West Bank and Gaza strip characterized by increasing privatization, surveillance, and control. While deepening Palestinian economic reliance on Israel and making Palestinian high-tech firms into dependent agents, digital occupation also enhances Israel’s territorial containment of the strip. This presentation will be focused on technological difficulties and challenges faced by research, education, and professional practices in a context characterized by a high level of war trauma and ongoing political violence. Positive coping strategies and success stories of using technology will be also presented.

Dr. Fayez Mahamid has been a Rutherford Fellow in the Centre for International Development at Northumbria University, UK. He holds a doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology and served as a head of the Graduate Department for Human Sciences at An-Najah National University, Palestine. In addition, he continued to lecture in the Department of Psychology and Counselling. His research interests focus on mental health, trauma intervention, diagnosis, assessment, therapeutic programs, and psychosocial rehabilitation.
Transforming Higher Education: The Digital Education Challenge
Prof. Josep Duart Montoliu, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Higher education is undergoing an accelerated process of transformation. Since the beginning of the 21st century, society and its educational institutions have been changing rapidly, and the Covid-19 pandemic accelerated this process. Digital Education is a significant catalyst in the transformation process of education. The lecture will discuss how technology in education exercises a transformative power in educational organisations and, in particular, in universities. These transformations can be observed in the institutional leadership, the institution's organisation, and the dynamics of learning and teaching. Teachers and students are changing their way of teaching and learning, which has a significant impact on the university and society. We will consider at the lecture the challenges and opportunities of these transformations.

Dr Duart holds a doctorate in Pedagogy from Ramon Llull University (URL), Barcelona, and a Master in Business Administration from ESADE Business School, Barcelona. He qualified from the University of Barcelona (UB) with a bachelor’s degree in History and a teaching qualification. He is former Vice President for Postgraduate Studies and Lifelong Learning, and director of the International Graduate Institute at the UOC (01/2007-08/2013).
As a researcher specialising in e-learning and educational organisation, he leads and collaborates on research projects in areas such as educational policy, higher education leadership and ICT use. He was the founder and director of the UOC UNESCO Chair in e-Learning (2002-2009) and academic director of the I International Seminar “Leading Universities in the Knowledge Society”. He is the editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education (ETHE) ethe.uoc.edu.
Galleria dei premi edizione 2023
PhD Students
- Anna Chinazzi
- Alessandra Maiorano
PostDoc Fellows
- Alessandra Mussi
- Elena Bartolini